
The CE hallmark attests to the fact that the glass produced and supplied by us meets the underlying European Standards. Every product group has its own EU standard, with various requirements as to:

1. the quality system adopted
2. initial product testing by a recognized Notified Testing Body
3. external inspection by a recognized Notified Certification Body

With the CE mark on the product sticker, we indicate as a glass manufacturer that the product concerned meets the requirements as formulated in the underlying European Standard. The information that we are obliged to provide to our customers under the CE legislation can be downloaded below as a PDF file for each product type. This document is a declaration of performance (also called a DoP) and is available in four languages. It is a mandatory document within the CE marking for products for which a harmonised standard has been drawn up. In this document, all characteristics and performances are mentioned in view of the building regulations the delivered product complies with.

If you as a customer require additional or specific information about your product or a new product, please do not hesitate to contact our Sales Department.

DoP/Declaration of performance

Basic floatglass EN 572-9: Download DoP Floatglass - 07/24
Coated glass EN 1096-4:  Download DoP Coated glass - 07/24
Laminated glass EN 14449:  Download DoP Laminated glass - 07/24

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